NOTES BEHiND the Scenes


ITF - Thespy SPECIAL OFFER - 2024

If you are performing a Thespy next week send us a video of your piece(s) of up to 5 minutes by Friday, June 21.

You can use whatever sharing platform you wish (Youtube, Google Drive, OneCloud, etc.) or attach the file to an email as long as it is smaller than 25 MB. Share/send to NOTESBEHINDTHESCENES@GMAIL.COM and we will send you feedback before Sunday at 5pm for FREE!

Sometimes a "fresh" set of eyes can help you prepare or polish your piece for competition. Whether it's before you've competed or when you need to keep it fresh; since we've been judges in many different settings we can help give you varied, practical, and detailed feedback.
  • ACTING:  voice, physicality, characterization, 
  • DANCE:  lines, musicality, technique
  • SINGING: technique (breath, sound quality, legit/belt), interpretation, physicality
We can look at pieces for Thespian competitions, dance competitions, singing contests, etc. 
*Please note that we cannot offer help with Interp pieces intended for use with National Speech & Debate competitions.


Send us a video of your piece(s) of up to 5 minutes. You can use whatever sharing platform you wish (Youtube, Google Drive, OneCloud, etc.) or attach the file to an email as long as it is smaller than 25 MB. Share/send to NOTESBEHINDTHESCENES@GMAIL.COM

For the best results make sure the video is full body and you are in a non-echoey space. If you are singing a song(s) make sure the music isn't too loud.


Once we receive your email/share notification we will make sure that we can access it and that we have helpful feedback to offer.

We will then respond with a confirmation email and invoice for payment of our Cyber Monday deal of only $10 via Venmo/Paypal. 


Once we've received payment we will send you the feedback as a video message so you can both see and hear our "notes"! 

If you find the feedback helpful you can always send in another video for follow up feedback or you can schedule time to discuss/coach your piece in person/online.