NOTES BEHiND the Scenes


Arts Education has been proven to help students excel in all areas of their lives [this article by US World News & Report is a great overview] but there are many reasons why attending a school devoted to the arts is worth the stress of auditioning, the commute, and the time invested!


Performing Arts Schools typically employ teachers who often are still working in their respective field with local companies/organizations or who are connected with them.  The arts is a small world and the more people you know the more opportunities open up.

Guest artists are usually brought in to diversify what students are taught and they also provide great connections with local companies/organizations.  Students can end up working for these companies in the summer or peridiocally throughout the year.


Acting - singing - dance training is expensive and although some arts schools require private coaching and/or training outside of school many provide enough opportunities for students who may not be able to normally afford lessons.

Middle School performing arts schools are specifically advantageous because the younger someone starts the more likely they are to gain an advantage in terms of their training.


Although many students dream of singing on Broadway, touring with Rhianna, or becoming famous an arts school should provide an idea of the true work that it takes to achieve these goals.  In addition to the connections and education offered students are able to experience if their art form(s) are truly their career goals.

Most arts high schools provide assistance with the college audition process which can save students thousands of dollars by avoiding private coaches, college application counselors, etc.  Many schools also have connections with various college programs and/or a reputation that sets students up for better success.